
Educational philosophy of our department

Our department focuses mainly on the studies of mammals to reveal the mechanisms of complex and diverse biological phenomena in animals from the molecular level to the organism level. We aim to foster professional talents and world-class researchers who will contribute to expanding basic biology, the development of multiple functions of animals, and new biotechnologies.

Educational plans and grading evaluation for Ph.D. course

Master's course Ph.D. course
Students are encouraged to develop their original research by formulating their own research topics and plans, conducting their experiments, and summarizing the content of their research. Students also aim to construct new theories and complete high-quality academic research through discussions with their supervisors and careful reading of literature.

There will be a Ph.D. committee meeting several months before the submission of the thesis. Deficiencies in the research and the necessity of additional experiments may be suggested there. Students, then, will aim to resolve these issues in preparation for finishing the thesis. The thesis must be submitted a few weeks before the defense, generally held by January of the last year.
Criteria of certifying the completion of the Master's course
Students must take at least 12 credits of researches I and II and 8 credits of seminars I and II. Students also must submit and defend Ph.D. thesis.

Four or more faculty members will examine the sufficiency of the research content in the Ph.D. committee meeting. In the defense, five or more committee members will closely read the thesis and examine the research's significance and scientific value through a question-and-answer session. The Ph.D. candidates will be evaluated on their overall research ability through this process.

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